Meeting Date:
8/17/2022 - 6:00 PM
Business/Action Items
18.7 Review and Potential Approval of the Retention of Three Firms for the Architectural Services Pool in Response to Request for Qualifications # 1912
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Goal 1: All students will receive a high quality education in a safe and welcoming environment with equitable and high expectations, access to technology, and instruction in the California State Standards that prepare them for college and career.
Presentation from top three firms: Nacht & Lewis 19six HED
File Attachment:
The District will continue to require the services of architectural firms for Measure J work. Because no work was DSA approved since the last firms were originally selected, the three year "validation" was no longer timely so the District was required to restart the architectural firm process. On May 12, 2022, the District issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ #1912) for Architectural Services to establish an updated pool or architect firms. Proposals were due June 3, 2022. Twenty firms submitted statements of qualifications and proposals, and nineteen were found responsive to the District requirements. District staff and one consultant narrowed down the nineteen and invited five firms to interview on June 20 and 21, 2022. Interviews were conducted and the interview panel focused on architect relationships with DSA, company commitment to equity, experience with district remodernization projects like those needed in MDUSD, price, and work with the design of ed specs. The five interviewed were narrowed down to four, and site visits were conducted in Northern California, including reference checks with districts where work was completed. The panel concluded that three firms were most responsive and reasonable to meet the District needs. Therefore, it is recommended that three firms should serve as part of the District's architectural pool to provide architectural services on a project by project basis. Assignments to each firm for specific projects will be presented to the Board as services are established. The three firms that will be added to the District pool are 19-6, HED, and Nacht & Lewis.
Measure J, Developer Fees, Routine Restricted Maintenance
Fiscal Impact
None at this time
Move to Approve Retention of Three Firms to be Added to the District Pool in Response to Request for Qualifications # 1912: 19-6, HED, and Nacht & Lewis.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Niccole Helton - Administrative Assistant
Signed By:
Dr. Lisa Gonzales - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Linda Mayo Moved, Member Cherise Khaund seconded to approve the Original motion 'Move to Approve Retention of Three Firms to be Added to the District Pool in Response to Request for Qualifications # 1912: 19-6, HED, and Nacht & Lewis.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 5 - 0 | | | Linda Mayo | Yes | Debra Mason | Yes | Cherise Khaund | Yes | Keisha Nzewi | Yes | Erin McFerrin | Yes | |