Review Agenda Item
1.1 Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
1.2 Preliminary Business
2.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board concerning items that are schedu
3.1 (Item #1) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel (Paragraph (1) of s
3.2 (Item #2) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov't.
3.3 (Item #3) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov'
3.4 (Item #4) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 549
3.5 (Item #5) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 549
3.6 (Item #6) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 549
3.7 (Item #7) Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction
3.8 (Item #8) Expulsion of Student #13-16 from all regular schools of the Mt. Diablo
3.9 (Item #9) Expulsion of Student #14-16 from all regular schools of the Mt. Diablo
3.10 (Item #10) Expulsion of Student #15-16 from all regular schools of the Mt. Diabl
3.11 (Item #11) Expulsion of Student #16-16 from all regular schools of the Mt. Diabl
4.1 Adjourn to Closed Session at 5:30 p.m.
5.1 Reconvene to Open Session at 7:00 p.m.
6.1 Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
7.1 (Item #1) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel (Paragraph (1) of s
7.2 (Item #2) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov't.
7.3 (Item #3) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov'
7.4 (Item #4) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 549
7.5 (Item #5) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 549
7.6 (Item #6) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 549
7.7 (Item #7) Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction
7.8 (Item #8) Expulsion of Student #13-16 from all regular schools of the Mt. Diablo
7.9 (Item #9) Expulsion of Student #14-16 from all regular schools of the Mt. Diablo
7.10 (Item #10) Expulsion of Student #15-16 from all regular schools of the Mt. Diabl
7.11 (Item #11) Expulsion of Student #16-16 from all regular schools of the Mt. Diabl
8.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board regarding any item within the ju
9.1 Resolution No. 15/16-40: California Day of the Teacher, May 11, 2016
9.2 Resolution No. 15/16-41: Classified Employees' Week, May 15-21, 2016
9.3 Resolution No. 15/16-42 California High School Voter Education Weeks, April 18-29
10.1 Classified Personnel: Appointment of Database Administrator
10.2 Classified Personnel: Appointment of Occupational Therapist
11.1 Student Representative Reports
12.1 Board Member Reports
13.1 Superintendent's Report
14.1 Presentation on the Youth Ambassadors Exchange (YAE) Program at Foothill Middle
15.1 (Item #1) Items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be a
15.2 (Item #2) Northgate High School's trip to Ashland, Oregon, May 27-30, 2016
15.3 (Item #3) Sunrise Elementary School's Annual Overnight Camping Trip to Mt. Diabl
15.4 (Item #4) Williams Quarterly Summary Report
15.5 (Item #5) First 5 Contra Costa School-Readiness Grant
15.6 (Item #6) Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Funds
15.7 (Item #7) Ratification of Submission by Mt. Diablo Adult Education of its Annual
15.8 (Item #8) Independent Services Agreement between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
15.9 (Item #9) Independent Service Agreement between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distri
15.10 (Item #10) Independent Service Agreement Between Mt. Diablo Unified School Dist
15.11 (Item 11) Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District Cambridge Element
15.12 (Item 12) Contract Extension for Eagle Software Aeries Student Information Syst
15.13 (Item 13) To Increase the Contract Between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (
15.14 (Item #14) Non-Public School Adjustments
15.15 (Item #15) Memorandum of Understanding Between University of San Francisco and
15.16 (Item #16) Fiscal Transactions for the Month of March 2016
15.17 (Item #17) Recommended Action for Certificated Personnel
15.18 (Item #19) Recommended Action for Classified Personnel
15.19 (Item #22) Procurement of District-wide Fire Alarm System Testing
15.20 (Item #23) Award of Bid for Bid #1745 Modernization Group II Restroom Renovatio
15.21 (Item #26) Jones Hall for Bond and Disclosure Counsel Services, and Authorizati
15.22 (Item #27) Minutes for the Special Joint Meeting Between the Mt. Diablo Unified
16.1 (Item #18) Certificated Personnel: Request to Increase and Decrease Full Time E
16.2 (Item #20) Classified Personnel: Request to Increase/Decrease Full Time Equival
16.3 (Item #24) Interdistrict Attendance Agreement with School Districts within Contr
16.4 (Item #25) Amended Certificate of Signatures
17.1 (Item #21) PULLED BY STAFF: Classified Personnel: Resolution of Discontinuance
18.1 District Organizations: At regular Board meetings, a single spokesperson of each
19.1 Attendance Boundaries
19.2 Adoption of High School Math Materials
19.3 Adoption of Middle School Math Materials
19.4 Independent Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Marzano Rese
19.5 Budget Transfer and/or Budget Increase/Decreases for February 1, 2016 through Ma
19.6 New Job Description for Director of Educational Technology and Innovation
19.7 Contract extension for School Messenger (Reliance Communications) to Continue to
19.8 PULLED BY STAFF: Revision of Board Policy 6142.7 Physical Education
19.9 Revision to 2016 Board Committee Assignments
19.10 Student Assessment & Data Warehouse
19.11 Execution of Documents
19.12 Meeting Extension
20.1 Future Agenda Items
21.1 Items Not Completed During the First Closed Session will be Carried Over to this
22.1 Reconvene Open Session and Report Out Action Taken in Closed Session
23.1 Adjourn Meeting
Meeting Date:
4/25/2016 - 7:00 PM
Closed Session Agenda
3.2 (Item #2) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov't. Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) regarding the matter of Bay Area News Group (BANG) v. MDUSD, Case No. MSC N13-1551
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal
File Attachment:
Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov't. Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) regarding the matter of Bay Area News Group (BANG) v. MDUSD, Case No. MSC N13-1551
Fiscal Impact
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Debbie Maher - Sr. Administrative Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Signed By:
Donald A. Velez - General Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Nellie Meyer - Superintendent
Vote Results:
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