Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 3/26/2018 - 7:00 PM
Category: Business/Action Items
Type: Action
Subject: 18.7 Award of Purchase Orders to Play Power LT Farmington for Playground Equipment at Woodside and Ayers Elementary Schools
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Goal 1:
All students will receive a high quality education in a safe and welcoming environment with equitable and high expectations, access to technology, and instruction in the California State Standards that prepare them for college and career.
File Attachment:
Playpower Quotes.pdf
Playpower Contracts Awarded.pdf
Playpower Acceptance.pdf
Summary: Procurement recommendation is facilitated under TCPN (national cooperative purchasing agreement).

Quotation determined to be responsible and responsive.

As such, staff recommends issuance of a purchasing agreement in the amount of $367,137.16 to Play Power LT Farmington, for all work necessary to provide and install synthetic surfacing, new playground equipment and site work.
Funding: 2010 Measure C
Fiscal Impact $367,137.16
Recommendation: Award of Purchase Orders to Play Power LT Farmington for playground equipment at Woodside and Ayers Elementary Schools.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
John Willford - Assistant Program Manager
Signed By:
Brad Hunter - Director
Signed By:
Rose Ramos - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Nellie Meyer - Superintendent
Vote Results:

New Motion
Member Brian Lawrence Moved, Member Cheryl Hansen seconded to approve the New motion 'Approve Award of Purchase Orders to Play Power LT Farmington for playground equipment at Woodside and Ayers Elementary Schools.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
Linda Mayo     Yes
Joanne Durkee     Yes
Cheryl Hansen     Yes
Brian Lawrence     Yes
Debra Mason     Yes