Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/13/2019 - 7:00 PM
Category: Business/Action Items
Type: Action
Subject: 17.14 Award of Bid #1842 Hardscape Improvements at Concord High School to DRT Paving & Grading, Inc.
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Enclosure Measure C Spreadsheet, Bid Results
File Attachment:
Measure C approval and expenditure tracking_MDUSD Board 5-13-19.pdf
Bid 1842 Bid Results.pdf
Summary: Mt. Diablo Unified School District requested bids for hardscape improvements at Concord High School. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to: All tools, materials, labor and equipment necessary to complete selective demolition, site work concrete and/or asphalt paving improvements. The invitation to bid indicates that the low bidder will be determined by the base bid amount only. The project has five (5) alternate components that we identified and priced in the bid. Alternates all the district to pick and choose a combination best suited to the over project within the budget. The alternates chosen to create the best value are numbers 1, 2, 3 and 5 with details listed below. All three alternate add additional square footage of asphalt of scope to the project while remaining in budget. The project has five (5) bid packages that were received on April 29, 2019 and Bid #1842 from DRT Paving & Grading, Inc. is the lowest, responsible, responsive bidder.

Base Bid: $71,696
Alternate 1 (Adds 3,000 SF of Asphalt Pathway): $37,227
Alternate 2 (Adds 5,000 SF New Asphalt Surface): $46,284
Alternate 3 (Adds 3,000 SF New Asphalt Surface): $39,983
Alternate 5 (Adds 3,500 SF New Asphalt Surface): $38,708
TOTAL: $233,898
Funding: $195,190 Program 7664 - Measure C, Board Approved 2/28/2018
$38,708 Program 3796 - CTEIG
Fiscal Impact $195,190, allocated 2/28/2018. The amount is within budget; no additional funds needed.
$38,708 CTEIG
$233,898 Total
Recommendation: Approve Award of Bid #1842 Hardscape Improvements at Concord High School to DRT Paving & Grading, Inc.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Marie Hill - Senior Secretary
Signed By:
Heather Fontanilla - Program Spec/Career Pathways/Linked Learning
Signed By:
Elizabeth McClanahan - Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Signed By:
Melanie Koslow - Director of Maintenance and Operations
Signed By:
Richard Jackson - Director of Maintenance, Operations & Facilities
Signed By:
Nance Juner - Director of Fiscal Services
Signed By:
Rose Ramos - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Nellie Meyer - Superintendent
Vote Results:

New Motion
Member Linda Mayo Moved, Member Cherise Khaund seconded to approve the New motion 'Approve Award of Bid #1842 Hardscape Improvements at Concord High School to DRT Paving & Grading, Inc.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
Linda Mayo     Yes
Joanne Durkee     Yes
Brian Lawrence     Yes
Debra Mason     Yes
Cherise Khaund     Yes