Review Agenda Item
1.1 Call to Order and Roll Call
1.2 Mt. Diablo Unified School District Board Member, Linda Mayo, will Participate via
2.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board concerning items that are schedu
3.1 (Item #1) Discipline, Dismissal, Release or Reassignment of Public Employee (Gov.
3.2 (Item #2) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel Pursuant to Govt
3.3 (Item #3) Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction
3.4 (Item #4) Confidential Student Matters Pursuant to Ed. Code 35145.5 - One Case.
4.1 Adjourn to Closed Session at 5:30 p.m.
5.1 Reconvene Open Session at 7:00 p.m.
6.1 Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
7.1 Report Out on Closed Session
8.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board regarding any item within the ju
9.1 Proclamation of September 2019, as Attendance Awareness Month
9.2 Resolution #19/20-11 Proclaiming September 9 - October 14 as Hispanic Heritage Mo
10.1 Appointment of Elementary School Vice Principal - Meadow Homes Elementary School
10.2 Classified Personnel: Appointment of Accounting Manager
10.3 Classified Personnel: Appointment of Payroll Manager
10.4 Classified Personnel: Appointment of Senior Trades Supervisor
11.1 Board Member Reports
12.1 Superintendent's Report
13.1 Sandy Hook Promise Presentation
14.1 (Item #1) Items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be a
14.2 (Item #2) Memorandum of Understanding between Sandy Hook Promise Foundation and
14.3 (Item #3) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Agen
14.4 (Item #4) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Agen
14.5 (Item #5) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Agen
14.6 (Item #6) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Scho
14.7 (Item #7) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Scho
14.8 (Item #8) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Scho
14.9 (Item #9) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Scho
14.10 (Item #10) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Sc
14.11 (Item #11) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Sc
14.12 (Item #12) Execution of Master Contract with California Certified Non-Public Sc
14.13 (Item #13) School Year 2019-2020: Contract Agreement between Mt. Diablo Unified
14.14 (Item #14) Approve United States Tennis Association (USTA) Facility Assistance
14.15 (Item #15) Crisis Counselor Matching Grant Program with the City of Walnut Cree
14.16 (Item #16) Approve submission of the National Science Foundation Grant Detailin
14.17 (Item #17) Fiscal transactions for the month of June 2019 and July 2019
14.18 (Item #18) Approval of Provisional Internship Permit (PIP) Request
14.19 (Item #19) Approval of Variable Term Waiver Request
14.20 (Item #20) Board Authorization Pursuant to Education Code 44256(b) Allowing the
14.21 (Item #21) Certificated Personnel: Request to Increase and Decrease Full Time
14.22 (Item #22) Recommended Action for Certificated Personnel
14.23 (Item #23) Recommended Action for Classified Personnel
14.24 (Item #24) Classified Personnel: Request to Increase/Decrease Full-Time Equiva
14.25 (Item #25) Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
14.26 (Item #26) Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
14.27 (Item #27) Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
14.28 (Item #28) Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
14.29 (Item #29) Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
14.30 (Item #30) Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
14.31 (Item #31) Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
14.32 (Item #32) Approval of Computers/Technology Pending Purchases for the 2019-2020
14.33 (Item #33) Renewal of Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and G
14.34 (Item #34) Issuance of the Notice of Completion for Bid 1798/C966A, Roofing Rep
14.35 (Item #35) Final Change Order for Bid #1800b Phase II with Hung Construction Bu
14.36 (Item #36) Issuance of Notice of Completion for Bid# 1800b-Phase II/PO191919, R
14.37 (Item #37) Final Change Order for Bid #1818/C975 with Waterproofing Associates,
14.38 (Item #38) Issuance of Notice of Completion for Bid 1818/C975, Roofing Replace
14.39 (Item #39) Final Change Order for Bid #1830 with Hung Construction Builder, Inc
14.40 (Item #40) Issuance of the Notice of Completion for Bid 1830/C983, Restroom Ren
14.41 (Item #41) Final Change Order for Bid #1831 with Hung Construction Builder, Inc
14.42 (Item #42) Issuance of the Notice of Completion for Bid 1831/C984 Restroom Reno
14.43 (Item #43) Ratification of Awards of Bid for Hardscape/Landscape Safety Improve
17.1 District Organizations: At regular Board meetings, a single spokesperson of each
18.1 Eagle Peak Montessori School on the Proposed Growth Plan
18.2 Mt. Diablo Unified School District Board Policy for School Closure
18.3 Agreement between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) and the City of Con
18.4 Approve Mt. Diablo Unified School District's Milk Bid, RFP No. 1808 to Purchase
18.5 Approve the National Joint Power Alliance Bid, Contract No.112917 with Multi-Uni
18.6 Approve the Food and Nutrition Services Department use of a "Piggyback Bid" with
18.7 PBK Proposal to Conduct a District Wide Security Assessment and Implementation P
18.8 Meeting Extension
18.9 Execution of Documents
19.1 Future Agenda Items
20.1 Items Not Completed During the First Closed Session will be Carried Over to this
21.1 Report Out Action Taken During Closed Session
22.1 Adjourn Meeting
Meeting Date:
8/26/2019 - 7:00 PM
Business/Action Items
18.1 Eagle Peak Montessori School on the Proposed Growth Plan
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal
Goal 1:
All students will receive a high quality education in a safe and welcoming environment with equitable and high expectations, access to technology, and instruction in the California State Standards that prepare them for college and career.
Eagle Peak Montessori School Overview of Request for Approval of Proposed Growth Plan and Eagle Peak Montessori School Proposed Site Plan
File Attachment:
Eagle Peak Montessori School Overview of Request for Approval of Proposed Site Plan.pdf
Eagle Peak Montessori School Proposed Site Plan.pdf
Eagle Peak Montessori School is requesting approval from the Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) Board of Education for their proposed site plan. This plan was developed by Eagle Peak Montessori with the professional services of PHD Architects, Inc., as well as through conversation with Richard Jackson and Melanie Koslow at Mt. Diablo Unified School District.
Fiscal Impact
This Eagle Peak Montessori School Overview of Request for Approval of Proposed Site Plan is presented for information and will return to the September 9, 2019, or later, Board Meeting for Approval.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Melanie Koslow - Director of Maintenance and Operations
Signed By:
Richard Jackson - Director of Maintenance, Operations & Facilities
Signed By:
Jose Espinoza - Assistant Superintendent Elementary Schools
Signed By:
Larry Schoenke - Legal Counsel
Signed By:
Rose Ramos - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Robert Martinez - Superintendent
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