Review Agenda Item
1.1 Call to Order at 6:00 p.m.
1.2 Preliminary Business
2.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board concerning items that are schedu
3.1 (Item #1) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov'
3.2 (Item #2) Discipline, Dismissal, Release or Reassignment of Public Employee (Gov.
3.3 (Item #3) Expulsion of Student #05-18 from all regular schools in the Mt. Diablo
4.1 Adjourn to Closed Session at 6:00 p.m.
5.1 Reconvene Open Session at 7:00 p.m.
6.1 Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
7.1 (Item #1) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov'
7.2 (Item #2) Discipline, Dismissal, Release or Reassignment of Public Employee (Gov.
7.3 (Item #3) Expulsion of Student #05-18 from all regular schools in the Mt. Diablo
8.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board regarding any item within the ju
9.1 Appointment of Personnel Systems Manager
9.2 Classified Personnel: Appointment of Supervisor, Food Services
10.1 Student Representative Reports
11.1 German American Partnership Program
11.2 Report on the Online Process for Student Transfers
12.1 Board Member Reports
13.1 Superintendent's Report
14.1 (Item #1) Items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be a
14.2 (Item #2) Northgate High School Varsity Girls Water Polo Team Trip to Modesto, O
14.3 (Item #4) Independent Services Agreement Between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
14.4 (Item #5) Increase to the Contra Costa County Office of Education (CCCOE) Contra
14.5 (Item #6) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Mt. Diablo Adult Education,
14.6 (Item #7) Contract Between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Supplemental H
14.7 (Item #8) Community Engagement Memo of Understanding Between Saint Mary's Colleg
14.8 (Item #9) Williams Quarterly Report for October 31, 2017
14.9 (Item #10) Fiscal Transactions for the Month of September, 2017
14.10 (Item #11) Budget Transfers, Budget Increases/Decreases and Donations for July
14.11 (Item #12) Approval of Provisional Internship Permit (PIP) Request
14.12 (Item #13) Variable Term Waiver Request
14.13 (Item #14) Recommended Action for Certificated Personnel
14.14 (Item #15) Recommended Action for Classified Personnel
14.15 (Item #16) Certificated Personnel: Request to Increase and Decrease Full Time
14.16 (Item #17) Classified Personnel: Request to Increase/ Decrease Full-Time Equiv
14.17 (Item #18) Request for Quotation (RFQ) No. 8160: High Speed Copy Paper for the
14.18 (Item #19) Award RFP #1787 Charter Bus Services
14.19 (Item #20) Revision of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 1312.3-Unifor
14.20 (Item #21) Minutes for the Special Board of Education Joint Meeting with the Co
16.1 (Item #3) PULLED BY STAFF: Mt. Diablo High School's Trip to Patrick's Point Stat
17.1 District Organizations: At regular Board meetings, a single spokesperson of each
18.1 Fiscal Transactions for Lakeshore Learning for the Month of September 2017
18.2 Communications: District Organizations
18.3 Revision of Board Policy and Administrative Rule 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Emp
18.4 Revision of Board Policy and Administrative Rule 4119.11 - Sexual Harassment
18.5 Meeting Extension
18.6 Execution of Documents
19.1 Future Agenda Items
20.1 Items Not Completed During the First Closed Session will be Carried Over to this
21.1 Report Out Action Taken During Closed Session
22.1 Adjourn Meeting
Meeting Date:
10/23/2017 - 7:00 PM
Report Out Action Taken in Closed Session
7.3 (Item #3) Expulsion of Student #05-18 from all regular schools in the Mt. Diablo Unified School District
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal
File Attachment:
Expulsion of Student #05-18 from all regular schools in the Mt. Diablo Unified School District
Fiscal Impact
Decision of the Board of Education
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Felicia Stuckey-Smith - Director Student Services
Signed By:
Chris Holleran - Assistant Superintendent of High Schools
Signed By:
Dr. Nellie Meyer - Superintendent
Vote Results:
New Motion
Cheryl Hansen
Moved, Member
Linda Mayo
seconded to approve the
motion 'Approve that Student #05-18 be expelled from all schools of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District and that Student #05-18 may apply for readmission after June 30, 2018. A Readmission Plan is required with the following conditions: Student #05-18 must participate in 20 hours of individual counseling to address aggressive behavior and appropriate behavior; participate in California Offender Program Services (COPS); attend MDUSD Saturday Workshop for aggressive behavior, and show evidence of a successful school experience, with no suspendible infractions, earn 60 credits, and have a 90% attendance rate. Placement of Student #05-18 will be determined by Student Services.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye:
The motion
5 - 0
Linda Mayo
Joanne Durkee
Cheryl Hansen
Brian Lawrence
Debra Mason
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