Review Agenda Item
1.1 President will call the meeting to order.
2.1 In closed session, the Board will consider the items listed on the closed session
3.1 The public may address the Board concerning items that are scheduled for discussi
4.1 Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction to its rep
4.2 Expulsions
4.3 Readmissions
4.4 Existing Litigation Heathorn v. MDUSD
4.5 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Complaint
4.6 Anticipated litigation.
4.7 Superintendent's Evaluation
5.1 Reconvene open session.
6.1 Pledge of Allegiance.
6.2 Roll Call
7.1 Report of Closed Session - August 10, 2010
7.2 Negotiations
7.3 Readmissions
7.4 Existing Litigation
7.5 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Complaint
7.6 Anticipated litigation.
7.7 Superintenden't Evaluation
8.1 Expulsion of Student #01-11 from all Mt. Diablo Unified School District schools a
9.1 (Item 1) Items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be app
9.2 (Item 2) Minutes of the meeting of June 15, 2010.
9.3 (Item 3) Recommended Action for Certificated Personnel
9.4 (Item 4) Request to increase and decrease Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for the 2010
9.5 (Item 5) Approval of Variable Term Waiver Requests
9.6 (Item 6) Education Code 44258.2 - BOARD AUTHORIZATION
9.7 (Item 7) Education Code 44263 - BOARD AUTHORIZATION
9.8 (Item 8) Agreement on clinical Experiences in Schools Student Teaching and Teach
9.9 (Item 9) Recommended Action for Classified Personnel
9.10 Item 10) Classified Personnel: Creation of a Part-time Instructional Assistant
9.11 (Item 11) Classified Personnel: Creation of a Part-time Instructional Assistant
9.12 PULLED (Item 12) Classified Personnel: Increase in Hours for a Site Tech. Suppo
9.13 PULLED (Item 13) Classified Personnel: Reinstate Hours for a Part-time Site Tec
9.14 (Item 14) Classified Personnel: Change in Funding for a Part-time Site Tech. Su
9.15 (Item 15) Classified Personnel: Eliminate a Vacant Community Service Assistant
9.16 (Item 16) Fiscal Transactions for the month of June 2010.
9.17 (Item 17) Fiscal Transactions for the month of July 2010.
9.18 (Item 18) Budget Development Calendar 2011-2012.
9.19 (Item 19) Award of Contract for Laboratory Testing and Site Inspection Services
9.20 (Item 20) Renewal of Maintenance Agreement for District's Mainframe Systems.
9.21 (Item 21) Award of Inspector of Record (Project Inspector) Contract
9.22 (Item 23) Annual Renewal of Bi-Tech Services Contract
9.23 PULLED (Item 24) Request to Approve Independent Contract for David H. Costa
9.24 PULLED (Item 25) Renewal of Independent Contract with David Costa for Courier Se
9.25 (Item 26) Community Facilities District # 1 (Measure A)
9.26 (Item 27) Adjust existing contracts between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (
9.27 (Item 28) Ratification of Award of Bids
9.28 (Item 29) Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) and Maxim
9.29 (Item 30) Approval of contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD
9.30 (Item 31) License Agreement with San Joaquin County Office of Education for Spec
9.31 (Item 32) Department of Justice - Open Purchase Order
9.32 (Item 33) Diablo Valley Community College, Contra Costa Community College Distri
9.33 (Item 34) Request Approval of AP Courses of Study Title Changes
9.34 (Item 35) New Job Classification/Description: Assistant Program Manager/Project
9.35 (Item 36) Williams Quarterly Summary Report, July 30, 2010
9.36 (Item 37)Student Sports Sticker Price Increase
10.1 (Item 22) Award of Professional Services Contract for Demographic and Facility A
11.1 The public may address the Board regarding any item within the jurisdiction of t
12.1 District Organizations - At regular Board meetings, a single spokesperson of eac
13.1 Superintendent's Report
14.1 Sun Terrace Elementary School Voluntary School Uniform Dress Code
14.2 Classified Personnel: Resolution Relative to Elimination/Reduction of Classifie
14.3 PULLED Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution of Dedication of an Easement at
14.4 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District contract with Mt. Diablo Education
14.5 Certification of the June 8 Election - Bond Measure C
14.6 Resolution 10/11-07 Resolution Appointing a General Obligation Bond Citizens’ Ov
14.7 2010 Measure "C" Citizens Oversight Committee
14.8 Resolution No. 10/11-5 of the Board of Education of the Mt. Diablo Unified Schoo
14.9 Resolution No. 10/11-6 authorizing a 2010-11 Tax Levy by the County of Contra Co
14.10 Request approval to adopt AP Macroeconomics Course of Study
14.11 Request approval to adopt AP Microeconomics Course of Study
14.12 Public Hearing Utilizing Flexibility Authorized by SBX3 4.
14.13 Resolution to Utilize Flexibility Authorized by SBX3 4.
14.14 Meeting Extension
15.1 Board reports - two minute time limit
16.1 Items not completed during the first Closed Session will be carried over to this
17.1 Adjourn meeting.
Meeting Date:
8/10/2010 - 7:30 PM
Consent Agenda
9.25 (Item 26) Community Facilities District # 1 (Measure A)
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal
File Attachment:
Resolution 2010-11.pdf
A resolution is necessary to approve the annual Community Facilities District #1 tax report
and to levy and apportion the special (Measure A) tax for fiscal year 2010/2011. The current Mt.Diablo
Mello-Roos Tax, Measure A, was passed in November 1989 by a favorable vote of 710/0. There is no
question that our schools have benefitted significantly by its passage. Almost $90,000,000 of projects
ranging from new multi-use buildings, new gymnasiums, new turf, repaired heaters, and restored restrooms
have made the physical facilities for our students much more attractive and functional. Imagine what our
schools would be like if the Measure had not passed.
Fiscal Impact
The tax levy generates revenue for Measure A projects.
Adopt resolution as presented.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Joe Estrada-C - Director of Technology
Signed By:
Pete Pedersen - Measure C
Signed By:
Steven Lawrence - Superintendent
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