Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
1/17/2024 - 6:00 PM  
Recognitions and Resolutions  
10.1 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 23/24 - 37 To Support Local, State and Federal Efforts to Exonerate the Port Chicago 50  
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
Resolution 23-24 (#37) Port Chicago.pdf
Resolution 23-24 (#37) Port Chicago revised.pdf
On July 17, 1944, a tragic explosion occurred at the Port Chicago Naval Magazine killing 320 men (of whom 202 were African American) and wounding 390 (of whom 233 were African American). Ammunition handlers engaged in a work stoppage and 50 of these men were unlawfully charged with mutiny and sentenced to prison. A Naval Court of Inquiry report confirmed working conditions and practices enforced by Port Chicago leadership were in violation of Naval safety regulations and federal safety code yet those convicted of mutiny were not exonerated. The Mt. Diablo Unified School District Governing Board supports the efforts to exonerate the Port Chicago 50.  
Fiscal Impact:
Move to approve Resolution 23/24 -37 To Support Local, State and Federal Efforts to Exonerate the Port Chicago 50.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Laura Juranek - Senior Administrative Assistant
Signed By:  
Jennifer Sachs - Chief, Educational Services
Signed By:  
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Amended Motion
Member Debra Mason Moved, Member Linda Mayo seconded to approve the Amended motion 'Move to approve Resolution 23/24 -37 To Support Local, State and Federal Efforts to Exonerate the Port Chicago 50 including adding a sentence "subsequently a whole town was eliminated and families suffered as well"'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
Linda Mayo     Yes
Debra Mason     Yes
Cherise Khaund     Yes
Keisha Nzewi     Yes
Erin McFerrin     Yes